Call for short policy papers and participation at the EU-India Experts’ Workshop in March 2021
The EU Policy and Outreach Partnerships project (EUPOP India), funded by the European Union, invites you to submit a policy paper for peer review and discussion at the EU India-Think Tanks Twinning Initiative second Experts’ Workshop to be held in March 2021. The workshop will be conducted as a webinar.
The last date for receipt of applications under the Call for Short Policy Papers and participation at the EU India Experts Workshop-II in March 2021 under the EU India Think Tanks Twinning Initiative has been extended from 31 January 2021 to 7.30 pm CET Monday, 15 February 2021. All other terms remain the same as announced in the Call dated 14 December 2020 as per the link given below:
The proposed policy paper, to be written as per the details on the following pages, should be sent to Ms Stefania Benaglia, EUPOP Think Tanks Twinning Initiative Manager, at sends e-mail) and Mr Anil Patni, EUPOP Team Leader, at sends e-mail)
The selection process will be carried out by an internal ad-hoc selection committee nominated by the Delegation of the European Union to India and Bhutan.